WiSHESWilliams Syndrome
Holistic Education
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Explore the William Syndrome Spirit
Help raise awareness
Together we can make a massive difference!
Please help us support the WSI community.
WSI Registered Charity Number: 20024123

New Parent
Are you a new parent to William Syndrome looking for information from First Steps to HSE and Tax advise.

Williams Syndrome is a genetic defect that affects 1 in 20,000 of the population. WSI provides support to members through our annual program of events and works to make the medical, teaching and other professional groups more aware of the conditions associated with WS. For more resources click link below:

Fund Raise for WSI
Yes you can do it. Do Something crazy/good in the name of WSI.
Step 1: Be creative
Step 2: Be Bold
Step 3: Believe you can do it
Step 4: NIKE! – Hit the link below.

Become a volunteer
Your support empowers the WSI community. Volunteer and be involved in events, fund raising and other cool things. Click the button below to see how you get involved.
We are letting raising awareness and supporting
Over 100 families across Ireland
The WSI committee organises annual conferences and social gatherings as
well as producing regular newsletters for its members. It also runs a number
of annual weeklong Activity camps in the summer including a Junior and
Sibling Camp and an Adult Music/Activity Camp.
well as producing regular newsletters for its members. It also runs a number
of annual weeklong Activity camps in the summer including a Junior and
Sibling Camp and an Adult Music/Activity Camp.
Donated to Date
Families in Ireland
yrs since establishment
How to Help

Raise Awareness
Raise awareness by sharing WSI activity

Make a one time donation or subscribe as a member.

Search Campaign
Search for active campaigns you would like to support

Give a helping hand on organising activities
WSI Events
WSI is a member of the umbrella European WS organisation FEWS (the European Federation of Williams Syndrome). Most years FEWS
Mary immaculate College Limerick
This Camp provides a great social outlet for people with WS over 16 years of age. This Camp is a
Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.
WSI holds an annual Junior Camp in conjunction with Mary Immaculate College, Limerick. The camp generally runs for four days,
Clonfert Pet Farm, Maynooth, Co. Kildare
We also organise an annual day time event such as a picnic for families who would like to meet up
Every year we organise a weekend break for families affected by WS. These weekends provide a relaxed hotel setting which
Camp Details: The Music/Activity Camp comprises scheduled musical, artistic and other activities culminating in a musical performance at the end
In the Autumn of each year WSI holds its AGM which provides a formal report on the work of the