Music Event

Camp Details:
The Music/Activity Camp comprises scheduled musical, artistic and other activities culminating in a musical performance at the end of the week. A program will be designed for each participant based on his or her choices at application time. The following is a sample of what we hope to offer:
Individual instruction in choice of musical instruments and voice – half hour lessons
Individual instruction in choice of musical instruments and voice – half hour lessons
Group sessions in musical theatre, chorus, etc. – hour long classes
Group dance/movement classes
Relaxation Therapy
Art/Scenery/Prop Making Class
Choice of activities offered by Share Centre (see web site at
Half day shopping trip, evening entertainment incl. sing-song/disco/cinema night
A final performance or show will be presented on the final day of camp. The content of this will depend on the participants involved. In previous years we have presented our version of “WS School of Rock”, “Toy Story WS Style”, “WS Jailbreak”.
The camp will finish on the evening of 12th August.
For Irish WS Families:
Details of 2019 camp, with application form, will be mailed to all WSI member families in Mar 2019.
For International WS Families:
Please download an Application Form here, complete it and send it to WSI at the address below, with the relevant deposit by the due date. You will be notified by WSI if your application is successful. The deposit will be refunded if your application is not successful.
COST for International Participants:
WS Camp Participant: 500 Euro
Personal helper: 380 Euro
Total Cost: 880 Euro
The fee includes temporary membership of the Williams Syndrome of Ireland for the month of August 2018. A deposit of €200 for WS participant and €150 for personal helper (total €350) is required with each application. Deposit is refundable in the event that the application is unsuccessful. Completed application form, with deposit, should be submitted by 30th April to:
Ms Carmel Daly, Secretary
Williams Syndrome Association of Ireland
25 Lohunda Park
Dublin 15
WS individuals must be aged 18 years or over and must be able to speak and understand English. An English-speaking personal helper who is over 18 years of age (preferably a family member) must also accompany them. The helper will be required to have Police clearance.
The WSI committee will provide all instruments and teaching staff for the musical activities. Teachers for the musical activities will be provided based on participants’ choices on application so changes cannot be made once an application is accepted and a program is worked out for a participant.
The Music/Activity Camp is open to all WS families world-wide. However, priority will be given to Irish WS families if number of applications exceeds the number of places available.
Some form of recreational activity for the group will be arranged at night during the holiday week e.g. a singsong, a talent show, etc.