As per our constitution WSI is managed on behalf of its members by up to eight members who are elected at each year’s annual general meeting. From time to time the committee also welcomes other members to take part in the business of the committee and to attend meetings as associate committee members. This has the advantage of providing new perspectives as well as providing extra pairs of hands for the work of the committee. Its also provides an opportunity for members of the association to familiarise themselves with the work of committee without committing to full time involvement. Click on images for more details.
WSI Mission Statement
The Williams Syndrome Ireland ( WSI ) was founded in 1987. Its mission is to promote the general welfare of individuals with Williams Syndrome, to provide practical help and support to them and their families and to enable them to reach their full potential through their strengths and interests.
The associations constitution provides further details on the subsidiary objectives of the organisation; See links at the bottom of the page.

Here to serve WSI families
WSI Activities
WSI provides support and advice the on Williams Syndrome to individuals and families affected by WS. We enable individuals, families and professionals to make contact with other people affected by WS and who have already experienced the many challenges posed by WS. Annually WSI organises a range of events for our members and you can use these events to tap into the knowledge and experience for every stage of your child’s development.
Click link below for link to annual Events:
Registered Charity
WSI History
The Williams Syndrome Ireland ( WSI ) was founded in 1987 with two family members and held it’s first Annual General Meeting in September 1989. It became a Registered Charity in 1991- Charity Number RCN 20024123. It is now run by a committee of up to 8 people that is elected each year at the Annual General Meeting. This committee consists of a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer as well as a number of committee members – usually all parents or close relatives of WS children or adults. The committee meets 4 or 5 times each year.

WSI Families
WSI Committee
Keeping us going!
Stephen lives in Westmeath but originally hails from Dublin. He was elected as Chairman in 2017 and previously served as
Associate Committee Member
Brian Ahern is from Cork and is affected by Williams Syndrome. Brian is a brilliant role model for anyone with
Committee Member
Phil lives in County Limerick and is currently the Treasurer of the association. She has been in that role since
Committee Member
Pauline hails from Cork and has been a member of WSI since 2001 following the diagnosis of her daughter Annmarie
My name is Linda Kane. I joined the Williams Syndrome Ireland committee in November 2019 and was elected secretary in
Associate Committee Member
Tom lives in Dublin and has been on the WSI Committee for over ten years having formerly been in the
Committee Member
Helena has joined the Committee this year having been an associate member of the Committee for a number of years
Dearbhail is originally from Co. Cork and now lives in Dublin and is mum to Ciarán, who was diagnosed with
WSI Official Documents
Section contains official WSI annual reports & governance documents:
- Chairman’s Report for the Year
- Financial Report for the Year
- WSI Constitution
- Any other Report that’s Appropriate
WSI Annual Reports

WSI Governance Documents

24 Feburary 2024
- WSI Committee
- Version 2.0

30 August 2019
WSI General Risk Management Policy
- Under Review
- by WSI Committee